Science on Stage et SAP nominés pour la meilleure initiative pour promouvoir le sport auprès des jeunes

Le 12 septembre 2018, Science on Stage Allemagne était présent aux côtés de son sponsor (et du notre !) SAP à la cérémonie Beyond Sport Global Award 2018 à New York nominés dans la catégorie « Best Corporate Campaign or Initiative in Sport for Good » pour le projet ‘iStage 3 – Football in Science Teaching’ disponible en français :

Même s’ils n’ont pas reçu le premier prix, cette nomination démontre la très haute qualité de ce livret pédagogique sur le football en sciences qui a déjà été utilisé dans de très nombreux établissements en europe (et sans doute dans le reste du monde).

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Flyer_Football in Science Education

STEM cooperation of Science on Stage and SAP nominated for Beyond Sport Global Awards


(Berlin / New York, 12th September 2018) Today the 10th annual Beyond Sport Global Awards ceremony will take place at the One World Observatory in New York. From worldwide over 400 applications, Science on Stage Germany and its cooperation partner SAP was selected for the shortlist in the category ‘Best Corporate Campaign or Initiative in Sport for Good’.


Science on Stage is nominated for its international teacher project ‚iStage 3 – Football in Science Teaching’ and the ‚European STEM League’ as follow-up competition. The project is proudly supported by SAP and focuses on sparking students’ interest in STEM by discovering the scientific phenomena behind the popular game football. The main aim is to promote scientific literacy of students – an essential skill, not only for work in the STEM field, but also for active participation in society.


This approach also convinced the Beyond Sport Foundation. With its Global Awards the foundation recognizes organisations that significantly contribute to society.


Besides Science on Stage and SAP, 34 further organisations, programmes and projects are nominated in a total of twelve categories.


“This year’s group was especially competitive, so the organizations and individuals should be very proud of their achievement,” said Nick Keller, Founder and President, Beyond Sport.


This nomination confirms Science on Stage in its work. The next teacher project with SAP is already in progress, this time on ‚Coding in STEM Education’.




About ‚iStage 3 – Football in Science Teaching‘ and the ‚European STEM League‘


What is the perfect curve of a ball’s trajectory, what must the ideal turf be like, and what’s the CO2 balance of the UEFA European Championship? 20 teachers from 15 countries developed twelve teaching units, presenting interesting experiments around football for biology, chemistry, physics, maths and computer science. The brochure contains a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary challenges for secondary school students that encourage them to discover the scientific phenomena behind the popular game. The publication is available free of charge in eight languages.


In order to distribute the results of the brochure Europe-wide, Science on Stage launched the ‚European STEM League‘ as follow-up competition. Teachers from all across Europe were called to implement the teaching concepts of the publication with their students and document the results in a creative way. Eleven teacher-student teams from Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey qualified for the international final from 20-21 October 2017 in the German Football Museum in Dortmund and competed for the title of European STEM Champion. The competition was supported by SAP and the SAP Charitable Fund.


About Science on Stage

Science on Stage Europe provides a European platform for science teachers to exchange teaching concepts and to share ideas during various activities such as educational fairs, workshops and teacher trainings. Science on Stage was launched in the year 2000 and reaches approximately 100,000 teachers and teacher trainers in over 30 countries. A network of National Steering Committees in these countries provides the interface to their national science teaching communities. Science on Stage Europe is the umbrella organisation that supports the member countries with the realisation of their activities and helps to coordinate Science on Stage festivals.


Editorial references:

– Pictures on the iStage 3 project and/or the European STEM League on demand

– Information about the Beyond Sport Global Awards



Science on Stage Europe / Public relations

Am Borsigturm 15 – 13507 Berlin – Germany

Phone: +49 30 400067-42



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